Cost of a Week at Camp 2023

We believe that all families should have the opportunity to spend a week away together at camp. To make this possible, we kindly request that each family contribute $600 per week to help offset our operating expenses (staff honorariums, maintenance, property taxes, utilities, supplies etc.) While this amount does not fully cover the cost to operate and maintain camp, we are fortunate to receive generous donations from members of our camp community to help make up the difference.
Please consider your own financial situation when contributing to camp. If for any reason you cannot contribute this amount, you are still welcome to attend camp. Please pay what you are able – you will not be turned away. If your financial situation permits, however, please consider a higher amount. Any contributions over $600 will be considered a donation and a tax receipt will be provided. Families will be invoiced closer to their scheduled week at camp.
The preferred methods of payment for camp are PayPal or electronic transfer ( but cash and personal cheques are also welcome. Please ensure that passwords for etransfers are easy to answer. For example: “name of the big building where we eat”